Anthony Madonia
Owner, Head Coach, Marine Corps Veteran
17 Veterans are reported to take their lives each day.
As a Marine you expect to lose friends in combat. Given the choice, I believe it’s the way we would all would prefer to go. But you never plan on them taking their own lives when they come home.
It seems so counterintuitive.
When we are safest, somehow we feel the most vulnerable.
When we have the most opportunity, we feel as if we can do nothing else but fight.
When we have the most people around us, we feel the most alone.
In 2015, I was at rock bottom. After losing my best friend to suicide, losing friends in combat, and a failed marriage to top it off. I was filled with so much pain, guilt, anger, shame, disappointment, and fear, I didn’t know what to do or where to turn for help.
Through a series of events, I was on the phone with a fellow veteran who was running and organization to help veterans heal from PTS. Nearly 5 years later I can still hear his words clear as day, “Anthony, if you come to this program and lean in, you’ll feel better than before you went into the Marines.” I told him that was impossible. That too many bad things had happened.
Two weeks later, I took him up on his promise, and he wasn’t lying. Through a 5 day process, myself and other veterans and first responders were given the space to grieve what we had lost, taught how to meditate to heal our brains, and given the tools to build a new life and find new ways of relating to others.
Upon driving off of the campus after my cohort had ended, my sister took my hand and asked how I felt, I told her, “I’ve never felt this good.” And truly, I hadn’t.
What The Battle Within gave me was the ability to not just survive, but to THRIVE.
Our Veterans and First Responders are the best of us. They willingly choose to do what most will not. To endure tragedy and violence, so that we can live safe and free.
They have done so much for us, this is my way of giving back to them.
Please join me in supporting The Battle Within, and CreatiVets, who are leading the charge to help our warriors become healed and whole, as they deserve to be.
RX athletes must be able to perform:
Deadlift 315/225 lbs
Clean 185/125 lbs
G2O 165/115 lbs
OHS 155/105 lbs
Lunge 155/105 lbs
Thrusters 155/105 lbs
Snatch 135/95 lbs
Kettlebell Swings 70/53 lbs
DB Cln/SN 50/35 lbs
Soft Stone 150/100 lbs
Wall Balls 20/14 lbs
Box Jumps 30/24 in
Double Unders
Bar Facing Burpees
Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Bar Muscle-Ups**
Ring Muscle-Ups**
Handstand Push-up**
Weighted Pistol Squats :)**
Rope Climbs
Assault Bike
*Denotes a minimum of one teammate must be able to perform
**Denotes one male and one female teammate must be able to perform
***Denotes all teammates need to be able to perform at least 1 rep
Intermediate | MASTERS
Intermediate athletes must be able to perform:
Deadlift 275/185 lbs
Clean 155/105 lbs
G2O 155/105 lbs
OHS 115/85 lbs
Lunge 115/85 lbs
Thrusters 115/85 lbs
Snatch 115/75 lbs
Kettlebell Swings 53/35 lbs
DB Cln/SN 53/35
Soft Stone 100/75 lbs
Wall Balls 20/14 lbs
Box Jumps 24/20 in
Double Unders
Bar Facing Burpees
Chest 2 Bar Pull-ups**
Handstand Push-Ups**
Air Squats
Rope Climbs**
Assault Bike
*Denotes a minimum of one teammate must be able to perform
**Denotes one male and one female teammate must be able to perform
***Denotes all teammates need to be able to perform at least 1 rep
Scaled athletes must be able to perform:
Deadlift 155/105 lbs
Clean 95/65 lbs
G2O 95/65 lbs
OHS 75/55 lbs
Lunge 75/55 lbs
Thrusters 75/55 lbs
Snatch 75/55 lbs
Kettlebell Swings 44/35 lbs
DB Cln/SN 35/20 lbs
Soft Stone 75/50
Wall Balls 14/10 lbs
Box Jumps 24/20 in (step ups allowed)
Single Unders
Bar Facing Burpees (step over allowed)
Knee Raises
Jumping Pull-ups
Air Squats
Ring Rows
Assault Bike
*Denotes a minimum of one teammate must be able to perform
**Denotes one male and one female teammate must be able to perform
***Denotes all teammates need to be able to perform at least 1 rep

Feeling Nostalgic? Check out our previous WODS.

101 Armour Rd North, North Kansas City, MO 64116
112 E Missouri Ave, Kansas City, MO 64106
1800 Swift St, North Kansas City, MO 64116
520 Walnut St, Kansas City, MO 64106
1599 Iron St, North Kansas City, MO 64116
1761 Burlington St, North Kansas City, MO 64116
1825 Buchanan St, North Kansas City, MO 64116
208 E 18th Ave, North Kansas City, MO 64116
1340 Burlington St, North Kansas City, MO 64116
All areas highlighted in blue are available for parking. Please DO NOT park directly in front of the entrance. Brave Enough CrossFit is located on the east side of Howell Street, north of RoKC.